The gang and I have been hanging out over at our Facebook page most of the time lately. Come visit us there. We are sharing alot of great pet info.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Kat's Notorious Minpin Gang has moved to Facebook
Please visit my 4-legged kids Facebook page.
It is active.
It is active.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
How Does the Moon Affect Your Pet: Lunar Phases and Animals
I found this article to be very interesting, making me want to pay special attention to how my dogs act during these different moon phases. I plan to highlite the days on my calendar.
How Does the Moon Affect Your Pet: Lunar Phases and Animals
How will the Big Moon Days Affect your Dog or Cat?
Monday, June 17, 2013
You Need to Know This
Here are some good articles that I came across while spending my sleeping hours in front of this computer!
Which of These Toxins Do You Give Your Pet? Detoxify Her Today...
You probably accidentally expose your pet to at least one of these. They may be touted as harmless and even beneficial, but can lead to cancer, organ failure, and skin conditions. Your guide to a simple at-home pet detox you can use, starting today...
Which of These Toxins Do You Give Your Pet? Detoxify Her Today...
You probably accidentally expose your pet to at least one of these. They may be touted as harmless and even beneficial, but can lead to cancer, organ failure, and skin conditions. Your guide to a simple at-home pet detox you can use, starting today...
The Seasonal Cancer Danger to Steer Your Dog Clear Of
Linked to bladder cancer, especially in these 5 breeds. And most often their exposure is right at home. Does your garage or yard harbor these cancer-inducing dangers? Find out here. Plus, 5 ways to mitigate the dangers...
Do You Still Believe This Persistent Myth About Dogs and Exercise?
This is so, so true! Since Princess has died, Mandy now spends most of her time laying around unless I take the first step to get active.
Near 100% Risk from a Parasitic Pest Now Linked to a Dozen Diseases
This is a must read about ticks!
Cheats Your Pet Out of Protein – Even When It’s the #1 Ingredient
Very valuable information about the pet food that you buy.
Why Your Green Household Cleaners May Still Be Toxic to Your Pet
When it comes to commercial "green" household cleaners, don’t count on label claims as proof the product is safe to use around your pet. And if you think your homemade household cleaners are entirely safe, you might want to think again...
Why Dogs Destroy Squeaky Toys
Ever wonder why your dog tries to destroy his squeaky toys? Well, the truth of the matter is, he is on a mission.
The excitement that your dog feels when he plays with a squeaky toy is instinctual, which goes back to a time when dogs had to hunt and kill prey to survive. Hunting is just a part of being a dog. The squeaky noises of prey animals would help dogs locate their prey - and the noises the prey animals made during the kill were very satisfying to a hungry dog.
"Hunting" a squeaky toy gives your dog the same type of satisfaction. And the more the toy squeaks, the more excited your dog becomes. That's why so many dogs will try to "kill" the toy by destroying it and pulling out the squeaker. This behavior isn't bad, but it can be very dangerous as well as messy! There's been so many times when I have come home to find doggie toy "guts" all over the floor! Dogs can easily swallow parts of fabric or plastic that have been chewed off and develop an intestinal blockage or stomach upset.
When you purchase a squeaky toy for your pet, make sure to put safety first. Start by examining the toy and confirm that it does not any pieces which can be chewed off and swallowed. Next, look for features (eyes, nose, etc.) that are embroidered onto the toy, not attached with thread or plastic. Check the seams and fabric, too, to determine how easily your dog might chew through them. Swallowing squeakers or stuffing can be life-threatening and can happen very quickly. For this reason, it's very important to always supervise your dog's play. (I know this sounds like a lot but I want your dog to have fun AND be safe.)
There's a great toy called the Invincible Gecko and each of its two sizes is built for dogs who just can't get enough squeaking. Each gecko has sewn-on features and a floppy, stuffing-free body that dogs love to shake and toss. Instead of dangerous fiberfill, the toy's entire body is made up of noisemakers - 2 squeakers in the small toy and 4 squeakers in the large size. That's a whole lot of squeaky fun in one tough package.
The excitement that your dog feels when he plays with a squeaky toy is instinctual, which goes back to a time when dogs had to hunt and kill prey to survive. Hunting is just a part of being a dog. The squeaky noises of prey animals would help dogs locate their prey - and the noises the prey animals made during the kill were very satisfying to a hungry dog.
"Hunting" a squeaky toy gives your dog the same type of satisfaction. And the more the toy squeaks, the more excited your dog becomes. That's why so many dogs will try to "kill" the toy by destroying it and pulling out the squeaker. This behavior isn't bad, but it can be very dangerous as well as messy! There's been so many times when I have come home to find doggie toy "guts" all over the floor! Dogs can easily swallow parts of fabric or plastic that have been chewed off and develop an intestinal blockage or stomach upset.
When you purchase a squeaky toy for your pet, make sure to put safety first. Start by examining the toy and confirm that it does not any pieces which can be chewed off and swallowed. Next, look for features (eyes, nose, etc.) that are embroidered onto the toy, not attached with thread or plastic. Check the seams and fabric, too, to determine how easily your dog might chew through them. Swallowing squeakers or stuffing can be life-threatening and can happen very quickly. For this reason, it's very important to always supervise your dog's play. (I know this sounds like a lot but I want your dog to have fun AND be safe.)
There's a great toy called the Invincible Gecko and each of its two sizes is built for dogs who just can't get enough squeaking. Each gecko has sewn-on features and a floppy, stuffing-free body that dogs love to shake and toss. Instead of dangerous fiberfill, the toy's entire body is made up of noisemakers - 2 squeakers in the small toy and 4 squeakers in the large size. That's a whole lot of squeaky fun in one tough package.
There's something really special about these geckos, though. The
oversized squeakers are
different than anything you've seen before. Unlike regular squeakers,
they are too big for your dog to swallow. And they have a cool new
technology that makes them keep on squeaking even after they are punctured.
(You can actually put a knife through them again and again and they
will still work!) So when your dog punctures
the squeakers
with his teeth, the toy will keep on squeaking and your dog will keep on
Saturday, June 8, 2013
How to Tell if Your Dog is in Pain
How can you tell a dog is in pain? Our furry friends can't talk, and
often take large injuries in stride, acting as if they are completely
OK. However, if your dog is really in pain, you'll know it if you know
the signs to look for. Here are signs of pain in dogs that the vets use
to determine pain.
When a certain area is touched, squeezed, or moved, the dog in pain will jerk the limb or try to move away from the movement. The dog may also flinch in response. Or, the dog will move to look right at you, or snap. This is an automatic reaction that the dog will do to pain, varying depending on how severe the pain is. Dogs usually only snap or jerk largely out of very real pain.
Limping is almost always caused by pain, as is shifting to accommodate weight that causes pain. If your dog moves around to avoid placing weight on a leg, shoulder, or completely lies down rather than sitting or standing, then odds are there is pain in the dog. Likewise if a dog chooses a sitting position rather than standing, or stands without full weight on his limbs.
Dogs who are in pain are heavy panters, even if the environment they are in is cool. They also tend to suddenly become tired all the time, very lethargic. Dogs who pant due to pain also often have that wild-eyed or frightened (can look hyper as well) look to them, and consume lots of water (and often eat less, lack of appetite).
A dog who is in severe pain will show obvious signs of injury such as shaking, losing weight due to lack of appetite, will begin to show aggressive or fearful behavior, vomit, or become very thirsty or lose all interest in food or water. Your dog doesn't have to whine (which is typically fear anyhow) or have a visible injury to be in pain. Sometimes you can tell your dog is hurting just by looking at them.
When a certain area is touched, squeezed, or moved, the dog in pain will jerk the limb or try to move away from the movement. The dog may also flinch in response. Or, the dog will move to look right at you, or snap. This is an automatic reaction that the dog will do to pain, varying depending on how severe the pain is. Dogs usually only snap or jerk largely out of very real pain.
Limping is almost always caused by pain, as is shifting to accommodate weight that causes pain. If your dog moves around to avoid placing weight on a leg, shoulder, or completely lies down rather than sitting or standing, then odds are there is pain in the dog. Likewise if a dog chooses a sitting position rather than standing, or stands without full weight on his limbs.
Dogs who are in pain are heavy panters, even if the environment they are in is cool. They also tend to suddenly become tired all the time, very lethargic. Dogs who pant due to pain also often have that wild-eyed or frightened (can look hyper as well) look to them, and consume lots of water (and often eat less, lack of appetite).
A dog who is in severe pain will show obvious signs of injury such as shaking, losing weight due to lack of appetite, will begin to show aggressive or fearful behavior, vomit, or become very thirsty or lose all interest in food or water. Your dog doesn't have to whine (which is typically fear anyhow) or have a visible injury to be in pain. Sometimes you can tell your dog is hurting just by looking at them.
Here are some great articles dealing with dogs and pain:
How to Tell if Your Dog is in Pain.
7 Signs that your dog is in pain
Managing Your Dog's Pain
End-of-Life FAQ
Thursday, June 6, 2013
How to Be Calm and Assertive
Our mom is a big fan of that funny man, who roller blades with his pack of dogs. She has been trying some of his tactics on us. I hate to say it but, they work! The first time she took the three of us out and tried the "Cesar walk" with us, well, before we knew it we were all walking either beside or a step behind her. It was like she hypnotized us or something! We had no control over our actions! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! She paraded us down the street, with her head up in the air, her shoulders up, and walked or I should say "marched" at a steady pace. I just know she used mind control on us. Even Mandy fell under her spell!
Well mom gets these emails from that dog whisperer guy and this one article talks about how to be calm and assertive.
Dogs use constant energy to communicate. Energy is what Cesar calls beingness; it is who and what you are in every moment. Dogs don’t know each other by name, but by the energy they project and the activities they share. They know humans in the same way.
As humans, we too are communicating with energy – whether we realize it or not. And, though we may attempt to persuade, explain, and rationalize all day long, these energy signals are the only messages getting across to our dogs.
Read more here
Well mom gets these emails from that dog whisperer guy and this one article talks about how to be calm and assertive.
Dogs use constant energy to communicate. Energy is what Cesar calls beingness; it is who and what you are in every moment. Dogs don’t know each other by name, but by the energy they project and the activities they share. They know humans in the same way.
As humans, we too are communicating with energy – whether we realize it or not. And, though we may attempt to persuade, explain, and rationalize all day long, these energy signals are the only messages getting across to our dogs.
Read more here
Monday, June 3, 2013
Apology for Not Responding to Comments
I want to apologize for not responding to any comments that you have left. I had to adjust my blog settings for comments to show up. I'm a beginner at this blogging and I seem to learn best by the good ole 'Trial-n-Error' method! I learn as I go, having little patience to sit down and learn everything before jumping in with both feet!
I appreciate those of you who have stopped by and enjoyed what you saw. Now that I've gone through my grieving period over losing Princess, I am getting back on track and focused at what's in front of me.
Many Blessings Your Way,
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
In Loving Memory
My Dear Princess passed away on Saturday, May 11th at home. She went very quickly. It's been a very trying time for me, unable to concentrate on this blog. I apologize for that very much. I'm starting to get back into the swing of things now, so I will be back here. Having this blog will help me to concentrate on my two other "kids"-Bubba and Mandy.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
Five more signs your dog loves you
Hi, Hot Bubba here!
I'm hot for my mom! Don't take that the wrong way! What I mean is I tend to always follow Mom around everywhere. At times she seems to act alittle annoyed at me especially when I am right under her feet and she trips over me. But,I follow her all around cuz I love her so much!
She must love me, too, cuz I'm the only one who gets to sleep next to her, except for Dad and I sleep in between them. I don't like to share Mom. I'm her alarm clock each morning, waking her up to feed us by standing on top of her, with my nose in her face until she opens her eyes! However, lately I've been sleeping in often, guess that comes with age. I'm 15, that's about 105 in people years.
Anyway, I showed Mom this great article that I found Five more signs your dog loves you and I wanted to share it since it's almost Valentine's Day!
It describes just how I feel about my mom!
Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs
Princess has Congestive Heart Failure. I have researching to learn as much as I can about it.
Congestive heart failure is a weakness in some part of the heart pumping mechanism, or inadequate strength of your dog’s heart to meet its body’s need for oxygen. The heart consists of four chambers; the two upper atria and two lower ventricles. There are blood valves in between the chambers that open to allow one-way flow to the ventricles, and close to prevent backflow into the atria. The left side of the heart pumps blood out to the body, while the right side pumps blood to the lungs.
Congestive heart failure tends to be more prevalent in older and obese dogs. Very large dog breeds, as well as toy and teacup-sized breeds seem to be more prone to this condition.
Early diagnosis of congestive heart failure can prevent further fluid accumulation and heart deterioration, and may elongate your dog’s life.
Treatment Options
If there is a significant amount of fluid in the chest, it is usually removed so that the dog can breathe easier. Fluid may also be removed from the abdomen and from the pericardial sac to make the dog more comfortable.
Dogs with moderate to severe right heart failure may be
hospitalized for stabilization with injectable diuretics (such as
furosemide) and oxygen therapy. Once the dog is stable, oral medications are started. Which medications are chosen depends on the disease causing the right heart failure.
Choices include the following:
• Furosemide ( Lasix ) diuretic is usually continued indefinitely and may be combined with other diuretics, such as spironolactone (especially to keep fluid levels low). Dosages are adjusted to the lowest ones that keep the dog out of heart failure.
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, such as
enalapril, benazepril, or ramipril, may be used to improve the
quality of your dog’s life and help reduce fluid retention by the body. Their effects are not immediate, but they exert modest positive effects over weeks to months.
• Pimobendan is a newer drug that acts as a vasodilator to relieve the workload of the heart and to increase the force of contractions of the heart. Pimobendan is commonly used with other medications, such as diuretics and ACE inhibitors.
• Digoxin is used in some dogs that have moderate to severe
heart failure and very fast heart rates secondary to abnormal
rhythms, such as atrial fibrillation.
• Beta-blockers, such as carvedilol, are being investigated to
determine whether they can improve the quality of life in dogs with heart disease. Beta-blockers are also used to slow the heart rate secondary to atrial fibrillation.
• Occasionally, other classes of drugs, such as calcium channel blockers, may be needed to control high heart rates caused by atrial fibrillation.
In addition to drug therapy, dogs with heart failure should not be fed salty foods, and low-salt diets may be used to limit salt intake. Although strenuous exercise should be avoided, mild exercise may be done on guidelines from your vet. If worm disease is present, it will be treated once the right heart failure is stable.
Follow-up Care
Intensive monitoring is often needed during hospitalization.
Follow-up visits are usually scheduled within 7-14 days after discharge. Recheck visits may include chest x-rays, laboratory tests, and ECGs. The interval between visits and further testing depends on the underlying disease and how your dog responds to medications. Periodic monitoring is needed for the life of your dog.
Most dogs with right heart failure have an average life span of 6-12 months; however, survival time is dependent on the underlying cause.
Congestive heart failure is a weakness in some part of the heart pumping mechanism, or inadequate strength of your dog’s heart to meet its body’s need for oxygen. The heart consists of four chambers; the two upper atria and two lower ventricles. There are blood valves in between the chambers that open to allow one-way flow to the ventricles, and close to prevent backflow into the atria. The left side of the heart pumps blood out to the body, while the right side pumps blood to the lungs.
Congestive heart failure tends to be more prevalent in older and obese dogs. Very large dog breeds, as well as toy and teacup-sized breeds seem to be more prone to this condition.
Signs & Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs
Depending on which side of the heart is weakened or disabled, your dog may exhibit different signs early on:- Shortness of breath
- Unproductive coughing due to build-up of fluid in the lungs - mostly found in left-sided heart failure
- Fainting or collapsing
- Loss of appetite
- Lethargy
- Bloated belly due to build-up of fluid in the chest cavity - mostly found in right-sided heart failure (less common than left-sided failure) Princess is struggling with this right now.
Causes of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs
Heart problems and failure can be caused by old age, a number of diseases, heartworm disease, birth defects, or, most commonly, a build-up of fluid in or around the heart (congestive heart failure). Congestive heart failure is caused by an abnormality in the heart, resulting in a back up of fluid in the heart, lungs, or chest cavity. This could be caused by too much fluid or pressure in the heart, the heart’s contractions not being strong enough to empty the chambers, or the chambers not being able to hold an adequate amount of blood.Diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs
Diagnosis begins with a complete history and a physical exam of the dog. Your veterinarian will most likely do the following:- History and Physical Exam - Your veterinarian will likely listen to your dog’s heart with a stethoscope to observe any murmurs or gurgling sounds indicating a build-up of fluid. They may also take a blood pressure reading, which is typically a non-invasive process requiring no sedation. Your dog’s symptoms and breed history will be taken into account in their diagnosis.
- Radiographs (X-rays) - This may show clouded lungs or abdomen, indicating fluid accumulation. X-rays may also show an enlarged heart.
- Ultrasound - This can be used in many diagnostic processes to determine abnormalities in your dog’s body. Ultrasounds use sound waves that bounce back, producing an echo that measures the opacity of objects, and produces a picture on the ultrasound machine. When an ultrasound is performed to observe the structure of the heart, it is called an echocardiogram.
- Electrocardiogram - This test measures and records the electric impulses of your dog’s heart. This is usually done by clipping small contact electrodes to your dog’s limbs.
- ELISA testing - Your veterinarian may wish to test your dog for heartworm disease if your dog is not on a heartworm preventive. This will help them rule out heartworm disease as the cause of heart problems and coughing. ELISA stands for "enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay," and is a test used to determine if a dog has been exposed to a certain pathogen by seeing if its body has produced antibodies against the pathogen. It can be used to test for viruses, bacteria, microbes, or other material. This SNAP ELISA test requires just a few drops of whole blood from your dog and can be run in about 10 minutes. This test will show a positive if there is enough of the heartworm antigen in the bloodstream. Once it is positive, an additional blood test known as a direct test is done, again taking a sample of whole blood to examine under the microscope so the young heartworms can be seen.
Treatment for Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs
There is no cure for congestive heart failure, but measures can be taken to extend and increase the quality of your dog’s life.- Your veterinarian will likely prescribe drugs that will alleviate the fluid pressure in the heart and lungs, as well as regulate the heart beat.
- A drug called Vetmedin is often prescribed to open up your dog’s blood vessels and reduce the amount of work their heart has to do to pump blood.
- A diuretic drug such as Furosemide may be prescribed to flush the fluid out of your dog’s cavities.
- A thoracocentesis may be performed to manually drain the fluid from your dog’s lungs with a needle. This may require sedation and/or an ultrasound to help your vet guide the needle.
- There are multiple natural supplement options for dogs with congestive heart failure; those that include potassium, taurine, selenium, chromium, and L-carnitine, among others.
Prevention of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs
Keeping your dog at a healthy weight for their size can greatly assist the heart in pumping blood. The more overweight your dog, the harder its heart has to work, and the more severe the heart issues. Talk to your vet about ways you can help your dog lose weight through exercise (consult your veterinarian first before engaging your pet in any strenuous exercise) and a reduced-calorie and low-salt/high-protein diet. An adjustment in your dog’s lifestyle may be the answer.Early diagnosis of congestive heart failure can prevent further fluid accumulation and heart deterioration, and may elongate your dog’s life.
Treatment Options
If there is a significant amount of fluid in the chest, it is usually removed so that the dog can breathe easier. Fluid may also be removed from the abdomen and from the pericardial sac to make the dog more comfortable.
Dogs with moderate to severe right heart failure may be
hospitalized for stabilization with injectable diuretics (such as
furosemide) and oxygen therapy. Once the dog is stable, oral medications are started. Which medications are chosen depends on the disease causing the right heart failure.
Choices include the following:
• Furosemide ( Lasix ) diuretic is usually continued indefinitely and may be combined with other diuretics, such as spironolactone (especially to keep fluid levels low). Dosages are adjusted to the lowest ones that keep the dog out of heart failure.
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, such as
enalapril, benazepril, or ramipril, may be used to improve the
quality of your dog’s life and help reduce fluid retention by the body. Their effects are not immediate, but they exert modest positive effects over weeks to months.
• Pimobendan is a newer drug that acts as a vasodilator to relieve the workload of the heart and to increase the force of contractions of the heart. Pimobendan is commonly used with other medications, such as diuretics and ACE inhibitors.
• Digoxin is used in some dogs that have moderate to severe
heart failure and very fast heart rates secondary to abnormal
rhythms, such as atrial fibrillation.
• Beta-blockers, such as carvedilol, are being investigated to
determine whether they can improve the quality of life in dogs with heart disease. Beta-blockers are also used to slow the heart rate secondary to atrial fibrillation.
• Occasionally, other classes of drugs, such as calcium channel blockers, may be needed to control high heart rates caused by atrial fibrillation.
In addition to drug therapy, dogs with heart failure should not be fed salty foods, and low-salt diets may be used to limit salt intake. Although strenuous exercise should be avoided, mild exercise may be done on guidelines from your vet. If worm disease is present, it will be treated once the right heart failure is stable.
Follow-up Care
Intensive monitoring is often needed during hospitalization.
Follow-up visits are usually scheduled within 7-14 days after discharge. Recheck visits may include chest x-rays, laboratory tests, and ECGs. The interval between visits and further testing depends on the underlying disease and how your dog responds to medications. Periodic monitoring is needed for the life of your dog.
Most dogs with right heart failure have an average life span of 6-12 months; however, survival time is dependent on the underlying cause.
Please Pray for Princess
Princess is having problems with her heart. It's been narrowed down to a right sided heart condition, no heart murmur, all other organs are functioning fine, and her appetite is excellent. She is retaining fluid. She looks like she is pregnant. Her weight has jumped from 17.8 to 19.6 in just one week. I'm updating our vet today on her condition. Hopefully he can just make an adjustment in her meds, otherwise, the next step would be to take her to a cardiologist for animals. He has just about tried everything he can to figure out why she keeps retaining fluid. The meds will work for awhile, sometimes for several months, then she'll start retaining fluid again.
Princess is currently on the following Medications:
Vetmedin (pimobendan)- 5 mg, 1/2 pill, given twice daily. Vetmedin is used to manage certain types of congestive heart failure. It differs from other commonly used heart drugs because it helps the heart pump more efficiently. Vetmedin opens up the blood vessels that take blood away from the heart, effectively reducing work the heart does to pump blood. At the same time, Vetmedin opens up the blood vessels returning blood to the heart, reducing pressure on the heart.
Lasix (furosemide)-20 mg, given twice daily. Furosemide is a diuretic used to treat fluid retention (edema) in dogs and cats with congestive heart failure, liver disease, or certain kidney disease. Furosemide is a potent diuretic which works by blocking the absorption of salt and fluid in the kidney tubules causing an increase in urine output.
Enalapril (Vasotec)- 5 mg., given once daily. Enalapril is used to treat mild, moderate, or severe heart failure and high blood pressure, and is usually used in combination with other medications. Enalapril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. It works by blocking an enzyme in the body that is needed to produce a substance that causes blood vessels to tighten. As a result, the blood vessels relax. This lowers blood pressure and increases the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart.
Spironolactone (aldactone)-25 mg., 1/2 pill given twice daily. Spironolactone is a potassium sparing diuretic used in the treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF), edema and high blood pressure (hypertension). Spironolactone inhibits the effect of aldosterone, a hormone that causes the tubules of the kidneys to retain sodium and water. This increases the excretion of water and sodium, while decreasing the excretion of potassium.
I will keep you posted on her condition.
Update-10:00 am, just talked to the vet, he wants the lasix increased to 1 1/2 pills in the morning and just one in the evening. I'll watch her over the weekend to see if she stays the same or eliminates some of the fluid. If she doesn't, then we'll have to take her in to have fluid drawn out of her. The fluid presses against her heart making it harder to breathe.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Does Your Dog Get the Winter Blues?
After the joyous glow of the holiday season ends, the festive lights come down, the tree is stored or discarded – and we wait for some hopeful sign of spring through the gray months of January, February, and March, the winter blues can set in.
Many of us get the winter blues while waiting for warmer temperatures and sunny skies to return. Some of us mope around the house, whining, and making nuisance of ourselves with our restlessness.
Others get seriously depressed to the point where daily activities are difficult to perform. If these feelings are deep enough, the condition is called "seasonal affective disorder" or "SAD."
SAD is a disorder different from "the blahs," those moments when we feel generally down. Although not fully understood, SAD is though to be caused by a lack of bright light affecting hormonal balances. Affected people may have bouts of unexplained crying, desire for sweets, excessive fatigue, lethargy, depression, anxiety, and mood swings.
Do our dogs suffer from the same malaise? Dr. Nick Dodman, professor and the Director of the Behavior Clinic at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, explains Here
Many of us get the winter blues while waiting for warmer temperatures and sunny skies to return. Some of us mope around the house, whining, and making nuisance of ourselves with our restlessness.
Others get seriously depressed to the point where daily activities are difficult to perform. If these feelings are deep enough, the condition is called "seasonal affective disorder" or "SAD."
SAD is a disorder different from "the blahs," those moments when we feel generally down. Although not fully understood, SAD is though to be caused by a lack of bright light affecting hormonal balances. Affected people may have bouts of unexplained crying, desire for sweets, excessive fatigue, lethargy, depression, anxiety, and mood swings.
Do our dogs suffer from the same malaise? Dr. Nick Dodman, professor and the Director of the Behavior Clinic at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, explains Here
Friday, January 25, 2013
Do You Have A Dog First Aid Kit?
Do You Have A Dog First Aid Kit?
Far too many dog owners have no dog first aid kit on hand in case of emergency or any kind of sickness or injury to their pet.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbal Medicine and Homeopathy For Dogs
Ruff! Ruff! Princess here! Mom found this great article about how great apple cider vinegar is for us. The benefits of apple cider vinegar are dog gone amazing! Mom is trying to learn more about Herbal Medicine for Dog Care :Safe Dog Herbs & Preparation Tips and Homeopathy for Dog Care : Could It Be an Option for Your Dog?
Before we know it, we're gonna have to start calling her Dr. Mom! She's already taken to wearing a stethoscope which she keeps chasing me down with so she can listen to my heart! Oh no! Here she comes again! I better make a run for it! Bye for now!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
How to Perform an at Home Wellness Exam on Your Pet
Regular at-home physical exams can help you learn what is normal for
your pet’s body, and therefore allow you to detect when something is not
While it’s still important to take your pet for a professional exam at your vet’s office at least once a year, you can keep watch on your pet’s health in between visits by getting to know what’s normal, and what’s not, for your individual pet.Read more here
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Toys! Toys! Toys!
Hi, Mandy here! Santa Claws brought me some fun toys at Christmas cuz I was so extra, extra tag wagging good last year!
Sock Monkey, I love Sock Monkey!
Mom says that you crumble up a plastic bottle and put inside this one so it'll make fun noise. I sure hope Mom has alot of plastic bottles, I'm gonna make mincemeat out of this guy!
Oh no, Mr. Bill!
This guy is weird. Everytime I bite him, he calls out for Mr. Bill, whoever that is. I have a surprize for Mr. Bill when he finally gets the courage to show up...
I already tore one of this guy's legs off in record time, too! 10 minutes after getting it!
Here I am with a couple of other toys from Santa.
Just a minute, Mandy!
Santa gave me Sock Monkey!
and Mr. Bill, too!
and one more thing, Miss Greedy, Santa gave me ALL of the toys cuz I'm a PRINCESS!
And don't you forget it!
And don't you forget it!
Peaceful Rest at Last!
Bubba and I were so good this past year that Santa brought us new beds. And Mandy can't use them cuz she can't fit inside the holes! Ha! Ha!
But she can lay on top.
Now Bubba can sleep in peace
and so can I.
My dad's the greatest!
Hey, Everyone! Bubba here! Check out what my dad just made for me. It's a ramp just for me! Here I am discovering it for the first time.
Wow! This makes it so much easier for me to go outside now. Thanks, Dad! You're the best!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Yuk!!! I Hate Peas!
Yuko! Mom fed me (Bubba) peas this morning and she knows I hate peas. She thought she was being slick when she mixed them up into my food. I'll show her, I'll just push them out with my nose!

So there!!! Hope she gets the message now! And I don't know what that orange colored blob was!
Double Yuko on that!!!
Happy New Year! We're back!
Happy New Year!
We're Back!
Mom's been so busy and wouldn't let us use her computer. What a mean mom! Grrrrrrrrrrrr! We have you and the rest of our fans out there wondering what happened to us. (Bubba)
Especially me, I'm a princess and I have my own following. You two may bow down to me now and call me 'Your Majesty'. (Princess)
Phooey! I wouldn't bow down to you even if you bribed me with all the doggie treats I wanted! (Mandy)
Hey, Toots, I'll bow down to you if you come and lie down beside me. I'll make you my queen.(Bubba)
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